Ah yes… G. Love really did say it right.
Fantastic show, fantastic band. A little impromptu night out for Meg (I was wearing my rain galoshes, which I enjoy a lot, and my brother's oversized, very large rain coat) when I decided to hop on down to the Commodore to check this band out. (I haven't missed a week at this joint in about 7 weeks – I really meant it when I said I'd take advantage of being back in Van and see as much live music as possible). I was also being summoned from several directions to get my arse down there fast, so I did. And sadly, the show was sold out, BUT WAIT! This lovely girl appeared out of the abyss and handed me a ticket and said, "You can just have this one". Um, wow? My concert guardian angel. Good fortune is on my side. This luck just keeps on a-comin'. So I bought the lovely lady a g&t once on the inside.
What a show. What a CUTE man. What a band. What music. The perfect blend of hip-hop, blues, rap, rock, groove – love it. Who knew? Sorry no pic of mine to go along with this one. Coming soon. Check out some tunes and vids.
Go indulge. Have a listen to a little G. Love.