2006 Goal List

1. Finish A Marathon


Could not have done it without rc, hc, td, kk+

Blah-blah-blahing about marathons, weather, raincity website

I took a little timeout today to scoot down and pick up my marathon package… I haven't quite figured out how to multitask in the streets – that whole talkin and filmin thing is really, really tough.


Funny thing was: got to the event and package pick-up doesn't start until 5pm this evening: keener:)

Ode To Kelsies

Kelly will forever and always be: caaaamedy. Enjoy! Fairwell sweetest of sweet friends. I will miss you muchly.


Back In The Saddle

This morning turned out to be not half bad at all…


If Ya Can’t Beat ‘Em… Photograph ‘Em.

Day Seven Of Concussed State.
400mgs Ibuprofen every 4 hours.
Outstanding Improvements Over The Past 48 Hours.
Thankfully and Finally Out & About….
While I still hold out hope that my health and head will be in perfect form and shape to run the Vancouver Marathon in May, I joined the masses, along with my talented sidekick, kk, for inspiration and admiration at the Vancouver Sun Run, as these athletes did their thing in the glorious Vangroovy morning sunshine.

Concussed Day Five

I am finally feeling a tad more Megan-esque today and able to write and stare at this screen for a bit to compose. Awoke with a dull version of the roaring headache I have felt in days past – a great thing. Saw another doc yesterday: all is well and will be with the head. Now I am just dealing with whiplash symptoms. I'm young, fit, healthy and will bounce back in no time now. And I do have lovely and supportive friends that have all been checking in on me and stopping by continuously to help out, cook, hang out, bring me flowers, walk me around the block… I am well looked after indeed. And I think that vacant look in my eyes is starting to subside. The best news I've heard in days: I won my hockey pool. Things are turning around.

Concussed For The 4th Time

Eric Lindros and I may have something in common.

I have a concussion, again. Snowboarding: It was slightly steep, fluffy (thankfully), I was of course wearing a helmet (thankfully), and now I am healing, but my head still pounds like hell.

My good pal Kris sat with me for hours and hours through the wonderful wait time of our reliable health care system, and we of course had fun documenting the whole thing for the books, me in my somewhat coherent state. It was good to have someone else there who could translate my jibberish to the doctors!

So, I am horizontal, on my sofa, with an imploding head and am extremely high on T3’s. And bored.

Whistler IT Mission

Kelly and mc get up to a little stealth mission at Whistler… my last moments prior to the big ol' concussion that took me out for the season (and provided me with a week of wonkiness). Someone was clearly gettin me back for stealing the $4 icetea at the Roundhouse. Sheesh. Tough crowd. Won't be tryin THAT again.



I ran for 3 hours yesterday. I am in a bit of a shock ‘n awe state, and the best part is: I really don’t feel too much pain today. That was my last long run before the big 42k on May 7th. Did my new “usual”: Burrard to the water, around the park seawall and back, but I ran around the seawall TWICE to get in the right distance and time. Crazy, but all was grand. Perfect running weather helped:overcast, 10 degrees, no wind. Big thank-you’s goin out to Eddie, J5, BlackEyedPeas, Stars, Metric, Radiohead, Killers, ArcadeFire, WolfParade, BeGoodTanyas, Spearhead… for gettin me through.

T-minus 21 days. Yikes.

No Cancuks = Something Different For Me

Yes, while it is sad the Nuckers couldn't quite pull it out in the end, this day marks a sadness for me that far outweighs the lack of playoff hockey buzz this town will miss out on in the coming weeks: now there's zero chance of having my dad in town. Perhaps I am indeed too far away from my homeland… oh, the pangs, the pangs….