Capo, The Wonderdog Wonder

Capo in fine puppy instigator-run-and-hide-semi-bold mode. Ruckle Beach, Saltspring Island, BC. Also starring Meisha the Moo-Moo, Kelly and Moi.


My Lipgloss and Laptops Debut

MC of Raincity Studios in studio with Lipgloss and Laptops Have A Listen: Lipgloss and Laptops, Episode #25

Friends of Raincity, the lovely ladies of Lipgloss and Laptops, Airdrie and Kerry Anne, kindly invited me into their studio to sit in while they recorded their 25th epsisode. We had a blast, tested some products (with some before, during and after pics), talked about my job at Raincity, our Raincity Pilot, celebrity crushes, goDaddy, naked pictures, and travelling on airplanes without lipgloss (gasp!).

These women have it goin on. The podcast is a weekly health, cosmetics, and beauty podcast for the thinking woman. They’ve tapped into a niche and have scooped up quite a large audience since the show’s inception in March of this year: Newspapers want to talk to them and they get tons of fan mail! Not only are they fun and hot in person, but they sound great. It’s a podcast that’s funny and charming with voices that are easy on the ears. And their home studio has better equipment than most radio stations!

Thanks for letting me sit in! Check out their site and download their podcast.

Photo By: Airdrie

Touring The Delta Chelsea Hotel

Apparently thinks that my pal Ken (of Hotrocket fame) and I gave a great tour of the lobby of the Delta Chelsea Hotel back in May, as we ridiculously rolled through it at 2am. Uhm, yeah, that’s some great floor…

Kitsilano: Livin’ In Da Hood Yo.

This scene shook down right outside of my home this morning at 6:40am… Capo and I sat back on the porch (we were already awake and outside “enjoying” our morning – arrrrr) and took the show in, front row seats. Man on bike taken down, lots of screaming, yelling, cop cars roaring in, lights flaring – it was wild! And NOT typical for my yummy-mummy-baby-boomin-dog-owner-haven-yuppy Kitsilano hood. (!)

Robot Coop and Yummy Pizza

Again, going waaaay back, getting back to lovely internet surprises…

At Drupal Camp Seattle in late June, a small group of us ran into the fine, young lads of the RobotCoop over lunch at my new favourite (everybody’s fav!) Seattle pizza joint, Piecora’s. We popped by their ass-kickin’ office after lunch for a quick visit – what a stellar space they have!

And then they blogged about us! Looking forward to seeing y’all soon 😉

Find these rad guys at HQ, 43places, 43people, 43things, allconsuming – they’re everywhere!

“You Have A Great Life”

I do. Me. I have a great life. I am en route back from BlogHer in San Jose, sitting in a comfy leather chair with this glorious wif, next to a woman I did not meet at the conference, but on the plane out of San Jose.

Karen Walrond is a blogger, writer, mother, wife, islander, just to name a few of her roles, talents and identities in life. We started talking on the plane from minute one and haven’t stopped. In learning about her life and experiences I have gained. I win. And in just relaying a few details of my life, my past, my job, my family and friends, Karen genuinely turned to me and said with passion, “You have a great life. You have a great life!”

I do. I am fortunate. I am happy. I am healthy. My family and friends are healthy. What more do I need? What more does anyone need?

I have met a lot of inpsirational women and men this past week-end and I will be sure to write about the conversations and experiences soon enough. I met a ton of wonderful women and had a lot of fun along the way. I just didn’t want to let this opportunity slip by without a quick documentation.
(Oh, and there’s Wifi – thank-you Portland!)

Can’t wait to get home to Vangroovy… I am a-comin’!

This City Rocks Scobleized!

Robert Scoble likes our show!

“…Gotta find a new home for this kind of stuff. What kind of stuff? Well, check out “ThisCityRocks.” Focuses on the Canadian music scene. Well done and interesting to listen to and watch. Makes me want to visit Vancouver! Warwick Patterson should be invited to do a session at Northern Voice.” – July 13th
Kinda nice affirmation that we’re doing something right. :) Oh, and some nice stuff in the comments as well (except for that bitter Chris guy – ouch dude!!)


Yeah, I’m just now getting back to some of this fun stuff that’s been floatin’ around the internet. This one is particularly hilariosity. Thanks Valleywag for going easy!! And also for putting me in the position of power…

Valleywagged mc and kk+

Headed To BlogHer in San Jose


Oh yes, I will be a bloggin’ guru yet!

Home For A Rest

Just back from a craaazeee, whirlwind time in Portland with the fabulous Raincity crew at Webvisions. The conference was over 2 days and was a pretty useful and informative time. I was an official blogger and posted notes on the Webvisions blog from some of the sessions I sat in on (also found at Raincity’s The Standard.)

IF I were to pick a few highlights from the few days away:

  • Matt Mullenweg’s 12 Rules – Whenever this guy speaks, it’s just lovely to sit back and listen to his every word. He happens to be pretty smart and, oh, the guy who developed a little thing called WordPress!
  • The Practical Business Blogging Session – good stuff :)
  • Catching Seattle’s The Long Winters with Keith & Brian (I’m so glad I didn’t hand the lead that envelope of Anthrax from the crazed fan)
  • The Jupiter Hotel – the funkiest motel on the planet, right out of Space Odyssey with the coolest lighting, great food, The Doug Fir comfy corners and a shop near the lobby, Ivy Studio, that I could’ve spent HOURS in, not to mention hundreds of dollars.
  • The 9-hour roadtrip with krug – always a grand ol’ time
  • Stellar Wifi

Conference Confusion:

  • Double-digit Guinness nights, mixed with whatever is in Portland water, or maybe it was the lack there of, can lead one into Crazyville: Beware

It was swell to hook up with the new/old friends, Brian Oberkirch, Will Pate, Matt Mullenweg, Greg Narain. Congrats to the Nitobi gang, launching their re-brand: hot. And to finally get to meet some new, fantastic peeps: Keith, Micki, Dan, Jeremiah.

For far more entertainment, conference pics from the good, the bad, and the ugly debaucherous times we all endured, click :)

A great conference, good times, even despite the morphing into too-much-Guinness-not-enough-sleep-crazyland-mc, just know that I am safe and back and normal and feel really quite great to be in my lovely home by the beach with the love of my life.