The Birthday Pressie That’s Waited A Year To Find Me

My sibs came through in a wonderful way for the big bday… Rob has been wanting to give this gift to me for over a year – I had no idea! I am thrilled… can’t wait for you to come home Rob so we can cruise the mountains with The Capo!! Merci mon frere.

The 2007 Goal List

How Do You Feel Going Into The New Year???

I started my blog a year ago this January, so that my family and friends could witness my 5 weeks in Torino, Italy. It was meant to be a kind of behind the scenes look, from my perspective naturally, at the Olympic Games and life in Northern Italia – the day to day reports and updates of my journey while I experienced working for the CBC on the world stage. I wanted to share that with them. That was the beginning.

Now, at the end of 2006, as we are all about to embark on “the new year”, and, for many, reflect about this past year, I find that I have opened up a lot of my life to the internet, for all eyes to see (admittedly, a phenomenon I find both strange and challenging at times). But I have happily embraced it for the most part and have had many positive experiences, having met a slew of wonderful people, both personally and professionally. That said, I don’t think I will divulge my thoughts and feelings on all that I have gained, loved, lost, learned… that’s too personal.

I’m not big on the whole New Year’s Resolutions thing, but I am big on creating lists and in setting some goals, both short and long, so why not do that at the start of the new year? A woman whom I admire inspired me about a decade ago to start this fulfilling ritual. I hope to do the same for someone else.

So here goes my goal list for 2007, in no particular order of importance (I like to think of #14 as my mantra):

1. Keep Running – always.

2. Listen.

3. Caution whilst on the sloops…

4. Piano – get back on the horse, or stool.

5. Play more guitar… and sing in a pub, just once…

6. Focus on what I am passionate about and what makes me tick.

7. Qualify for Boston.

8. Be true to myself. Make my choices and decisions in life for me, and not for what society says, not for other people, pressures or acceptance. A toughy, but a goody.

9. Be a stellar mum to The Capo.

10. Judge Less – never be quick to dismiss another human being.

11. Play more tennis: competition shape.

12. Stay close and in touch with the family and friends that are so far away.

13. Grace.

14. Enjoy the moment, not the end result.

Le Menu: Bon Appetit!

This New Year’s Eve, some friends and I have decided to dine IN – we’re taking over the Dobbin kitchen in St. John’s (and what a kitchen to cook in!) and creating a feast! What better way to bring in the new year than with great food, wine and the best of friends… there are a few of you out there that will not be sitting with us at the table, but know you will be missed…

~ asparagus tips wrapped in proscuitto and romano formaggio
~ Atlantic smoked salmon and Newfoundland salt cod brandad, with fresh-baked french bread
~ Marinated Olives

~ Portobello and Shitake Mushroom Risotto (with a sundried tomato risotto for those who aren’t keen on the mushies…)
~ Baked chicken with Basil, Almond, Romano Pesto

~ Delectable imported cheeses – one is a Porto Stilton! :0

~ Sorbet topped with a warm caramelized glaze of mango, blueberries, banana and maple, with a dark chocolate drizzle

vino: a fine selection from canada, italia and argentina and and and….


Capo & Meg Wishing You A Safe, Happy, Lovely, Wonderful Holi’s!!

capo et moi

Reviews of Web 2.0 2006… And Into The Future

I am very much addicted to the Read/Write Web, that is to say: it’s where I like to surf for all the latest and greatest. And this upcoming week is no exception.

You want reviews of 2006 and all that shook down and what it all means as we launch into 2007? Richard MacManus and his 2.0 crack team of writers always seem to hit all the issues, news, conferences, and sum them up well, with honesty and realism in their writing, reporting and critiquing.

SO – I’ll be watching and reading and hopefully reporting back and linking on The Standard, as per the usual, but let’s be honest, it’s 11 days, yes, ELEVEN days, until the stores close and the 12 Days of Christmas (technically are supposed to, in theory) begin. So while I shop, or rather, make my homemade gifts (oh my family love me for it, really they do) and we all feast over and over again, you can always take a spin through the read/write to catch what you’ve missed.

That is, if Grandma’s house has that wifi hook-up so you can escape away to feed your addiction between eggnog and Santa chocolates.

Bon Voyage Roberto!!

Pilot R. Cole is headed off to Bangkok today… then onto his first official post as helicopter pilot for CHC International in Bangladesh!! We’re so happy for you Roberto, proud of you, can’t wait to read YOUR NEW BLOG about all of your adventures. You better speak some mean Bangla upon your return. We’ll miss you.

From Sand To Snow???

… in Vancouver?!?!

Thank-you Tampa International – I have wifi as I wait!! My withdrawal of a week mostly offine, I feed my addiction once more… does that make me crazy?

Steak & Guinness, Thank-you Very Much

Happy Thanksgiving America. While tables across this country I find myself in this day are covered with piping hot turkeys and apple pies, with most bellies to be stuffed and eyes glued to the day long extravaganza of football, I am happy to throw sweats over my bather and eat a steak, and not have to partake in the US traditions, even though today could be a great excuse to have a big turkey feast no. 2 of the year.

And while the biggest shopping day of the year, and grandest example of consumerism, starts tomorrow morning at (gasp!) FIVE A.M.!!, I think I’ll sit that ritual out too, and wake up at a civilized time, have my java, and head out to the beach for a slow, long run along the Gulf.

Oh, and here’s the sunset tonight. It’s mostly been quite chilly here this week, relatively speaking of course, but a wonderful respite nonetheless.

sunset on redington

Hi To BarCamp Saskatoon!!


A Recap On A Social Software Panel in Newfoundland

Marketing Your Film Online

How does one effectively utilize the internet to promote and market a film project?

St. John's: The Narrows

That was the question raised by filmmakers and members of the National Film Board and Telefilm Canada that spawned the workshop “Marketing Your Film Online”, an event sponsored by Telefilm Canada at this year’s St. John’s International Women’s Film Festival that wrapped up this week in Newfoundland.

Pattie Lacroix from Catapult Media in Halifax and I held a panel talk on this very issue for the participants at the festival this year. It was a ton of fun and the people in attendance gained a lot from the session, based on their positive responses in the aftermath. We gave the talk from the perspective on how filmmakers, producers and directors could potentially freely, literally, tap the internet and the many social networks that are out there to explore, to better promote their work. This information on the basics of online social networking can obviously be applied right across the board to just about anyone with something to sell, show or share!

Pattie started the discussion off with an introduction to the next generation of the web: social networks and softwares and how user-generated content effects users today in how people connect and collaborate online, and how the web is more about event driven experiences than about sites.

Before heading off to the East coast, I sat down with the person who first taught me all about this world of social networks and softwares, to formulate the talk in a constructive and useful manner for the specific audience: krug – THE social software guru junkie.

And here’s how that all looked and unfolded in the end:

  • Blogging – A general overview on blogging and the importance of linking and tagging. We looked at WordPress, Blogger and Typepad and I quickly walked them through setting up a WordPress Blog – they were amazed at how fast and easy it was to complete.
  • Video Sharing – We talked about the YouTube and Revver services, the similarities and differences, and looked at some examples of both. What was nice for all to see was the user-friendly, non-intimidating interface of both sites.
  • Photosharing – Flickr – Not only a place to post and highlight anything under the moon for your own purpose, but the connections you make in growing your community and commenting on other photos is priceless.
  • Social Bookmarking – delicious and digg – Here is where illustrating the purpose in tagging became prevalent and more understood.
  • Event Calendar – Upcoming – Trying to stay “in the loop” is sometimes tough, and the idea of having a site where one can quickly announce or reference city events was an attractive site for this particular audience.
  • We also looked at LinkedIn, MySpace, and zaadz

Case Studies:
I then moved into highlighting several examples to better illustrate how other television and film projects used some of these free social softwares in the past for promoting their work:

  • The Inconvenient Truth documentary – used both YouTube and MySpace to create the buzz and promote the issues related to the film
  • Snakes On A Plane – The Blogosphere Craze!
  • Battlestar Galactica the TV series – The buzz that was created through the Producer’s podcast and blog

The whole talk, with questions and conversations that were generated from it, took up about 2.5 hours – we could have gone all day!

St. John's: In The Rain, Drizzle & Fog

As I mentioned, the info was all really well received and most of the people were truly blown away by the vastness of this space. We, who live in this web 2.0 bubble, can perhaps sometimes take it for granted. There is a whole world out there that knows very little, or sometimes, nothing at all, on how powerful the internet has become, and it felt great to have the opportunity to transfer what I have learned to those people who are open and ready to learn it as well.

Thank-you to Pattie for having the foresight to bring someone like me back to the East to take part in this endeavor. We’re hoping to continue working as a team on more workshops in the future – it was a lot of fun teaching this stuff!

Thanks to Telefilm Canada for sponsoring the event.

Thank-you to Krug for all of your help, knowledge and support, as always!

And a thank-you to Kelly Davis, the festival’s Executive Director, and her crew this year. You did such an outstanding job. I look forward to seeing the festival grow in numbers and participation in the coming years and to hopefully coming back to take part again!