Category Archives: Facebook - Page 2

zuPort: Flickr – New Facebook App Kicks Butt

There are several Flickr apps for Facebook that are currently out there. I’ve tried them all and this one wins in my books. zuPort: Flickr was just released last Friday and will continue to be worked on and improved to meet the suggestions and requests from the users, so check it out and let the team who built this bombshell know what you think about it. I spent some of my day Friday testing the beta before launch and the developers working on it, ironing out the kinks and making it the best Flickr Facebook application are genius.

Here are a few reasons why I dig it:

    On the profile page:

  • Displays the most recently uploaded Flickr photos within seconds of them
    being uploaded to Flickr
  • If you hover over the photo, it displays the title
  • You can click to see all photos or all sets
    On the photo pages:

  • Allows you to look at all your public Flickr photos IN FACEBOOK or Flickr
  • Shows most recent photos and displays all of your flickr sets
  • You can click photos to enlarge them and see their title, description, tags and comments from flickr
  • Ease to navigate to the next photo
    Features being added soon:

  • Photos in the news feed
  • If you make comments in Facebook, they will appear on Flickr

Now go back to your crack, login and add the zuPort: Flickr!

DemoCamp Vancouver – May 24th at WorkSpace

The inaugural DemoCamp Vancouver is set to go Thursday evening, May 24th at WorkSpace in Gastown.

What the hell is a demo camp, you ask?

In a nutshell, it’s a rapid fire show and tell. It’s a gathering of professionals, roughly over a 2 hour period, where a whole slew of folks from different industries, sectors, businesses from around the city get together and showcase an idea, thing, project, web app, toy, art, invention, whatever, to the rest of us. It could encompass anything from a project you are working on or launching, to a mere great idea sketched out on a napkin. Those presenting will have the floor for all of 6 mintues to do so, no more, no less (that 6 minutes will be allocated to 3 minutes of presenting, 3 minutes of open floor discussions, then on to the next!)
It’s meant to be organic. It’s meant to be grass roots, analogue, no bells or whistles, and most certainly, anyone and everyone is welcome to attend – it’s FREE!

Check out our Facebook page and join the group in the fine fashion of Facebook style that we all know and love.

SIGN UP HERE ON THE WIKI! (You should go to this page and add your name to the list of participants at the bottom.)

Those of you happily using, sign up there as well.

We hope to see you there – it should be an eventful evening, and you’ll be making history by being a part of the official, long-awaited, first ever Vancouver DemoCamp. It has grand potential to be inspirational, perhaps somewhat geeky (always in a great way), and most definitely uber cool.

Turn It Off! British Columbia

I'm turning off on May 16 - you can too!

May 16th, 2007: Shut ‘er down BC!!

Here’s a news flash: Vancouver is smack dab in the middle of a 30 Days of Sustainability celebration and affirmation. (Find the month-long schedule of events here.) This Wednesday is the official “Turn It Off! British Columbia” Day. It’s being hailed as somewhat of a challenge, but think of it more as a way to contribute and participate in the common goal to integrate sustainability into the minds and lives of every citizen.

If you don’t know what or how to “turn it off” (get out from that under that rock), check out some tips here.

Help spread the word: check out the Facebook Group created for the cause, blog about it and share the link love. As well, use your photography to inspire the rest of us and add any photos you may have taken of this beautiful land to your flickr, tagging them “30days2007” so we can all have a gander!

Tomorrow morning, unplug that digital alarm and let the birds and sunlight wake you up!

Facebook: I love it I hate it I love it I hate it

Just few thoughts on Facebook (yawn). If you’re reading this and you do not have an account or know what this is, you’re missing out on a world that is, well, unnecessary I suppose, but happening and expanding without you – how much does that matter to you? (Mom – you’re exempt for not being a part of this: privacy out the window and it was originally set up for students, as the name suggests. You’d loathe it.)

I have not gone onto Facebook and actively searched for anybody, but I do accept those prompts from people whom I have met in person before and confirm him or her as a “friend” online. (Note: I have indeed rejected people that I have never met before who have tried to add me as a friend. This is not something I practice across the board in social networks, just this one.)

Facebook is just one of many social softwares I have played with or participate within, and what I do like about it is this:
1. It’s yet another place to connect online and open up your community, life, profile, whatever – promote you, yourself, your life, profile, whatever.
2. I have reunited (online!) with some wonderful, long-lost people of my past, and it’s not in an in-my-face way either, just a friendly gesture, a hello, which ultimately, is all we have time for anyway.
3. I am entertained. And I laugh. At some of the random thoughts, lines, groups (aka “Bob Cole IS a God” group – that was truly an “I love Facebook” moment).
4. It puts social networking and online communities in the mainstream and introduces those people unaware of this power of online connecting in the forefront – bring it on.

What I do not enjoy so much:
1. The Wall – I don’t need to have conversations with people in public… email still works for me, plus, I get this public conversation desire or fix satisfied through blog comments and flickr.
2. The Time Sucker – not to me, but some of my friends have lost the plot.

And what about being found by the wrong person? Ack! For me, that’s pretty much out the window with this little thing called a search engine. But, it’s interesting to note that all of those blasts-from-the-past are all of sudden finding me via this tool, not Yahoo! or Google. If you’re playing on Facebook, you don’t care who finds you. And if you do care, you’re not on Facebook.

The best way this social network was described, in my opinion, was in an article in The Globe and Mail a few weeks back about “grown-ups” getting their Facebook fix – it was something to the effect of comparing the gossip-esque site to “water cooler talk”.

Most common phrase from the newbies in the initial ‘message sent to you’:
“My friend made me sign up to this”.
Most common phrase from those same people after a few hours/days/weeks/months:
“I am addicted to Facebook!”.