2008 Highlights and Revelations Leads To 2009 Master List

I write this and put it out there because then I’ve written it and it’s out there.

Personal Highlights in 2008:

  • In life, I married the most amazing man on the planet, and get to laugh with him every day.
  • In work, I tried some new concepts and participated in some new ventures and cool experiments. I established new working relationships and continue to better understand my business. This is good. :p
  • Two nights before my wedding I got to experience Torquil from one of my favourite bands “The Stars” give the official word at 2am NL time that “Barack Obama is the next President of the United States of America!!”. Where were you?
  • I saw a ton of great music.
  • I did a really fun hour-long webcast on ustream with Jim Louderback from Revision3 at nextMEDIA in Banff. Dodgy Internet though. (pics)
  • I had a fun interview with Dr. Richard Florida, “Who’s Your City?” in Banff.
  • I finally made it to France. It is heaven on earth.
  • I got sick too often. Not really a highlight, but definitely worth highlighting. In December, three times alone. I think I take pretty good care of myself, but clearly not good enough – I need to see someone about that. Any suggestions?

2008 Revelations:

  • As a woman, you are nothing without inspiring, trustworthy women in your life. I am forever grateful to mine.
  • There is such a thing as social media fatigue. I purposefully took somewhat of a backseat or an incognito position in 2008 to a degree. I was really selective about my participation and took more offline time. My revelation: I needed that, and it’s forced me to focus on what is important.
  • I will try not to use “these marks” so “much”.
  • Getting married puts you and your mate on some sort of next level of peace. It also puts you in a place where you are completely committed to working your arse off giving it all you’ve got.
  • Twitter is just easier and far more immediate than blogging: fact. I like that.

Those items listed above got me thinking at the turn of the year on January 1st, and into my official another-year-older on January 9th, and have led me to my Master List of 2009, in no particular order or relevance to the above. Call it resolutions, goals, whatever your fancy. I just like to have a list of positive reminders heading into another year. And, like the French, I’ll revise and review again in the *actual* new year that begins in September.

1. The small, insignificant things don’t matter. These aren’t the droids you’re looking for, move along.
2. Have compassion, don’t judge.
3. Accept people’s short-comings and move on.
4. Continue Laughing.
5. Work hard. No wanker policy.
6. Play guitar again.
7. Play piano again.
8. Go to bed EARLY, wake up EARLY.
9. Be good to my body: run, yoga? and potentially a naturopathic Doc…
10. Read.
11. Write.
12. Italian!
13. More wine studies.
14. Moisturize.
15. Floss. That’s a tough one.

  1. Wow, so inspirational! I will support you in anyway, always here for you, Capo and PJ!

  2. Megan – you should play guitar again, and sing. You’re too talented not to. Congrats on all this great stuff. AL

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