My friend and guru blogger, Darren Barefoot, is conducting a wee online survey: Why blog? Why do YOU blog? Wait, what’s a blog?
Check it out and take the survey, if you feel so inclined. And if that was the weakest pitch you ever heard, there are prizes involved…
I just wanted to mention that you have an intriguing way to approach blogging. You take the understated thing, and make it appealing. Instead of shouting from the mountain tops, like I did (See, that is i as in ipod, and Bloggle as in do you bloggle, ibloggle, )
Why do I blog, I kind of fell into it. I wanted to help a friend out of his shell, so I registered so more dot com’s and googled blogging, and that lead me to word press. Then I created a free blog site for him to talk about his wines, which is what he really loves, and has a crazy amount of knowledge about. Then I decided that I should create a blog for myself. I woke up excited. I realize more fully what blogging is now. Not that I am experienced at it, just that I understand the potential. I really have a lot I would like to share with people. Interesting things, healing things, provocative things, and more. Do you realize this is the very first comment I have ever written on a blog. I read several, browsed many more, and yours caught my eye. Honestly the picture didn’t hurt, but I am not crusing the blogstrip, looking for bootey. I am here more for the intellect. Here I am enjoying talking to a perfect stranger, and I don’t even know who you are. What am I nuts. Maybe I should crawl back into my cage somewhere? Actually I am more confident then that. So here you are, holding a budding blogger with his tender thoughts, full of enthusiasm for the new world of blogging, in your hands. You have the ability to craddle the moment, or to bash it into oblivion, taking with it the scars, carried in a lifetime of finally finding an oasis, then the world, and it’s harsh reality comes crashing down on it. Gosh I hope you’re a nice person. I also hope you have as much fun reading this thing, as I have in creating it. Thank you for your time, maybe we can become blogging buddies. Bob
So I was impressed, because you did the least to impress. You message to this blog was capturing as well. It drew me in. Now I am starting to sound…unusual. Well not really. Actually I would be honored if you would read my blog. ibloggle is actually here at wordpress, I just used domain forwarding, after registering the dot com, and wah lah, here I am. Can you believe I am getting so caught up in talking about myself. I guess that is why I have such a big header.
I blog because I got tired of holding all my thoughts inside my head. Too much ibuprofen required with that. And my efforts at writing a novel have been sketchy to boot…
I wrote a cool post about it back on my blog. I hope it’s ok to leave a link?
By the way, I totally like that photo for your header graphic…makes me want to head off on an adventure. I think I like this blog a lot. Hope you won’t mind if I hang around some.
Nice to come across someone who plays guitar and appreciates things about the wild places, such as salt air.
Bob: Welcome. Excellent. Yes, I was tickled and amused to read your comment.
Sean: Thanks for your thoughts and that link. The photo in the header comes from me – I took it while I was on a surf trip in Tofino.
Cogito, ergo blog.
Something like that anyway ; )