I Hear Seagulls.

So I'm comfortably sitting in my new office, here at Raincity Studios, surrounded by oodles of fabulous natural light pouring in from the large, old windows in this beautiful, historic building, The Seymour Building (the original) in downtown Vancouver, and I look to my right and see a slice of Coal Harbour and the snowcapped North Shore mountains, while the wall directly behind me is a wideshot of an east-facing view of the downtown. And while I work blogging, writing, learning and opening my mind to geekery, over the dull roar of the city buzz below, I listen to the musical cries of the seagulls…

  1. Hi there,

    Wow, the power of the 2.0 thingo.
    I’ve got to your blog via your flicker.
    After checking the raincity website I was surprised to find out how much we can talk about. I’m based in Melbourne Australia, currently running OMG.tv.
    You are welcome to check out our blog: http://www.omg.tv/blog
    and our podcast: http://mobilemedia.thepodcastnetwork.com/

    by the way, I starting to think that geek is the new cool.

    All the best & good luck,


  2. Dear Megonian

    Thank you very much for your ‘geeky’ blog which has in fact touched my heart. I am lying in front of my computer monitor on my (reclaimed) rug…supping some cheap but reasonable rum…I had heard the seaguls outside (I live in Brighton UK by the sea) my winders open to cool myself…it is a dark but mild summers evening here and the sound of the seaguls had moved me…..so I typed into google “I hear seagulls” to see if anyone had or was sharing my experience…or even in fact if anyone had registered this thought and sense of reality….so tired as I am I can now sleep…knowing that the experience of hearing seagulls has already been placed on line by your good self….and I thank you for that…because you made me smile in my heart and mind…as much if not more than I had done by describing my experience with yours….thank you…

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